
Measure Learning Impact Precisely

Genbite LXD Create, manage, and analyze assessments that align perfectly with your learning goals. Genbite LXD’s assessment feature design customized quizzes, exams, and feedback mechanisms to evaluate learner performance effectively and efficiently.


Dynamic Features of Assessment builder


Diverse Question Types

Incorporate multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, essay, and 13 more to address different testing requirements.

Automated Feedback

Provide instant, tailored feedback for assessments to facilitate rapid learning.

Question Banks

Utilize a repository of questions to build tests more efficiently and ensure comprehensive coverage of topics.

Customizable Settings

Adjust passing criteria, time limits, and attempt limits to fit your training needs.

Detailed Analytics

Track learner performance and gain insights to improve future training efforts.

Empowering Educators and Learners


Utilize Genbite LXD to construct detailed and flexible assessments that cater to the diverse needs of learners. Our platform supports a variety of question types and configurations, enhancing the accuracy and relevance of performance evaluations.

Skill Measurement

Precisely evaluate learner understanding and skills to tailor future content.

Efficient Learning Paths

Quickly identify areas of improvement and adapt learning strategies accordingly.

Enhanced Engagement

Interactive assessments keep learners motivated and invested in their learning journey.


Seamlessly scale assessments to accommodate any learner volume, maintaining consistent and reliable evaluation across departments.

Explore the key features that define our excellence

Key Features

White Label Academies

Your brand, our platform. A perfect learning blend. 100% white label.

AI Integration

Harness AI for personalized, adaptive learning experiences.

Dynamic Contents

Customize learning dynamically with AI to suit individual skills and pace.

Insightful Analytics

Data-driven insights to steer your organization learning strategy.

Interactive Tools

Engage learners with tools like quizzes and simulations.

Social Learning

Encourage community learning with integrated social features.

Multimodal Learning

Experience engaging courses with multimodal content capabilities.

Seamless Integrations

Effortlessly connect with your organization existing ecosystem.

Custom Websites

Tailor-made learning websites that fit your business needs.

Mobile Learning

Enable learning on the go with branded, white-label mobile app.

Adaptive Learning

Evolve paths with each learner's progress and feedback.

Cloud Base Platform

Rely on us for secure, scalable hosting solutions for your academy.

Experience Design

Align learning paths with goals, customized by learner input.

Skill Tracking

Precisely monitor skills and competencies development.

Essential Learning Paths

Genbite essential skills with bespoke paths, beyond just content hosting.


Recognize and certify learning achievements to leverage lerners.

Transform Your Assessment Strategy

Let’s Get Started with Genbite Today!